How To Buy The Right Pair Of Running Shoes


I don’t remember that last time I was injured (*knock on wood).

Aside from practicing good running form and improving my mobility with PinappleYogi, arming myself with a solid rotation of running shoes that actually fits, promotes a natural gait, supports me training for marathons, and allows me to recover - both while running and NOT running is equally important.

And that’s exactly what my special guest and shoe expert, Calla of JackRabbit and I covered in latest Zoom Coaching Call with my Virtual Fall Marathon Training Group.

So if you’re training for an upcoming Fall marathon, make sure you:

  1. Complete a gait analysis.

  2. Have an running expert determine if your feet pronate.

  3. Get your feet measured - both size and width.

  4. Have enough stack height to support you and your runs.

  5. Strive for a low heel drop to promote a natural gait.

  6. Select shoes that have enough structure to hold your feet in place.

  7. Check to make sure there’s a thumb’s width space between your big toe and the front of your shoes.

  8. Don’t wear cotton socks because it causes blisters and buy new socks as often as you buy new shoes.

  9. Use an app like Strava to track how many miles you have put into your shoes.

  10. Buy recovery shoes or sandals for when you’re not running.

My Current Rotation

What’s in your rotation?

We will continue to host educational workshops in the training program, so it’s not too late to sign up especially if you’re running the NYC Marathon! Sign up here!


How to Run a Race When It’s Hot


RACE GUIDE: TCS NYC Marathon Virtual 26.2M